When “They” Make You Feel Inferior....
“They.” “They” truly tear my nerves up. You know who “They” are. Bosses or co-workers at your job that think you don’t know much or can’t do much. Family members that think they know you, your life and your future all too well. People you automatically assume (through discernment or paranoia) are just not in your corner...don’t wish you well...don’t see anything special in you. “They” are defined as people who make you feel undervalued, undeserving, and unqualified. I don’t really like to acknowledge these people by their actual names...I just group them in a pile and label all of them “they.” I think what I love most about Jesus is that He can relate on a human level. He had a group like that too. He understood what it was like to be underestimated. He took jeers from people that were considered qualified to speak on the Law and it’s meanings. I’m sure He was mocked from people who had no clue about His Father’s business but acted like they did. I don’t know about you ...