When You Get a Glimspe of Purpose.....
Well hello friends! 2019 is just around the corner and I can tell you with all honesty that I’ve never been more excited for a new year. Just when I was embracing the “just making it….´ or “status quo…..” mentality. I was becoming ok with my life and the way it seemed to be heading. Accepting that this is what life had to offer and that what I was offering was all I had. That kind of mentality will make you do strange things. Things usually out of your character. So sometime in the middle of the year, I decided I would start doing things just because. As long as it didn’t hurt anyone. Go see the play. Go on the trip. Read the book. Start the blog. That last one threw me. I’ve never considered myself a writer. Truthfully?? There are some teachers and professors out there that never considered me a writer either according to their grades and comments. I’m usually the math and statistics girl. Two degrees in Economics. The one that likes to be analytical. Writing won’t hurt a...